East Port zve na seminář:
Cell Based Assays: Methods & Tools to Study Cellular Responses

22. a 23. října 2019

East Port zve na seminář

Come and learn more about exciting new tools and applications based on Promega´s Cell Based Assays. The assessment of cell health and cellular responses after experimental manipulation continue to be a very important aspect of experimental biology. In this context cell-based assays are highly valuable tools to study different cellular responses in an “add-mix-measure” format. The seminar provides an overview of the most sensitive and easy-to-use cell-based assay formats to study cell-viability, cytotoxicity and cellular pathway activation with focus on the fascinating luciferase technology. Learn also about effective assays to measure metabolic activity in cells such as glucose uptake, oxidative stress and dinucleotide detection. These non-radioactive, bioluminescent methods for measuring metabolic changes are powerful tools in the pursuit of understanding cell health and disease.

The seminar will take place on Tuesday, October 22nd 2019 in Prague in the Institute of Molecular Genetics of the Academy of Sciences (from 10am till 12am in a seminar room on the ground floor behind lifts) and on Wednesday, October 23rd 2019 in Brno at Masaryk University Campus (from 10am till 12am, in a seminar room 114, first floor, building A5).